You spoke, we listened. Mama’s Masalas seasonings are great, but they only come in one size. Today Mama is proud to announce Mama’s Masalas seasoning tins in 3 and 6 ounces. They are perfect for your craving for Pakistani-inspired food, no matter how large or small it is.
Feed a Few
Photo by Sophie N-VA from Reshot.
Our initial seasoning offerings are boxed and designed to make a meal for 4 or a couple of meals for 2. Your input has us thinking outside the box. We know that some of you are using half a box and saving the rest for later. While we appreciate your resourcefulness, Mama has carefully crafted her seasonings without additional ingredients that prevent zestless flavor or seasoning cakes (the seasonings caking with exposure to air).
Mama’s Masalas seasoning tin in 3-ounce size is about half more the amount of our boxed version. It’s the right amount to prevent this:
Nice clean approach to opening the seasonings, but the freshness is running out of that opening like it’s a marathon--not to mention the potential for spilling and mess-making.
Feed a Crowd
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.
Making a Mama’s Masalas meal for a large group of foodie friends is a great idea! It’s how Mama got started perfecting her seasonings. Granted, she was doing it for her family, but family is what you make it, right? Mama’s Masalas 6 ounce seasoning tins let you cook delicious Pakistani-inspired food for your favorite crowd. What could be better than a group of your favorite friends gathered together and you having an easy (and quick) meal to make? You get time with your friends, everyone eats over a great feast--win-win!
Advantage of Tin
Now that you’ve experienced Mama’s Masalas seasonings and have gotten your feedback, we have moved outside the box. Besides the ability to make as much or as little to eat (don’t forget to make yourself leftovers!), Mama chose tin canisters to give you these advantages:
- Easy to store
- Prevents spilling
- Reuse or recycle the tin
We’d add that they’re a great decoration in the kitchen, but we’d be biased.
Welcome to the Shelf!
Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash.
You may not keep your Mama’s Masalas seasoning tins out for aesthetic reasons, but you’re going to want to keep them in your cupboard. As usual, Mama has put a lot of love into these little tastes--and the big ones too. Don’t miss the chance to get your Mama’s Masalas seasoning tins in every flavor in the sizes you need. They’ll allow you to make the delicious meals you love faster than you can get takeout and you’ll keep your kitchen clean which will make Mama happy.
Get Mama’s Masalas seasoning through the rest of the month!
Tofu Tikka Masala coming September 9 in 3, 6oz tin jars
Baigan Bhurta tins coming September 18th
Lahori tikka tins coming September 24th
Butter chicken tins coming September 27th

Renée Clare-Kovacs
Contributing Author